There are more than 11,000 Pakistan Postcode in this website, including Admin Area, Admin Code, Place, Postcode, Latitude, Longitude etc. plus with online map. Click here to buy Pakistan Postcode Admin Area Please browse postcode by Admin Area . Balochisan Federal Capial &AJK Hyderabad Lahore Norhern Punajb Rawalpindi NWFP Peshawar Souhern Punajb Mulan Postcode Please browse postcode by Postcode . 10010 10011 10020 10021 10030 10031 10034 10040 10041 10050 10051 10060 10061 10070 10080 10081 10100 10101 10200 10230 10250 10251 10300 10301 10310 10311 10320 10321 10350 10360 10361 10370 10380 10381 10400 10401 10450 10451 10460 10470 more